Lazio Wine, 4 Out of 10 Wineries in Crisis but Excellent Vintage
It will be an excellent vintage for the Lazio wine, despite the inevitable repercussions that the health emergency will have on the harvest that has just begun. In order to confirm the forecasts also in terms of quantity, the trend of the grape harvest will depend a lot, as well as on the month of August, also on that of September. In Italy a production of Made in Italy wine is estimated at around 45 million hectoliters, down by about 5% compared to last year, with the French cousins head to head for the world record.
It will be an excellent vintage for the Lazio wine, despite the inevitable repercussions that the health emergency will have on the harvest that has just begun. In order to confirm the forecasts also in terms of quantity, the trend of the grape harvest will depend a lot, as well as on the month of August, also on that of September. In Italy a production of Made in Italy wine is estimated at around 45 million hectoliters, down by about 5% compared to last year, with the French cousins head to head for the world record.
“This is the first harvest marked by the effects of the world pandemic – explains the president of Coldiretti Lazio, David Granieri – with the threat of duties and Brexit, with the exit from the European Union of Great Britain, which has been for a long time , the main customer of Prosecco, the most exported Italian wine in the world. This year the shortage of skilled labor for the blocking of borders with the Covid risk will also weigh. In this regard, it is essential to extend the tampons upon arrival in Italy for foreign workers in the fields coming from abroad. This will allow them to carry out collection activities with Coldiretti, which has launched a communication campaign aimed at companies and workers themselves to ensure compliance with the rules and protect public health ”.
Even in Lazio, the lockdown halved wine sales due to the effects of the pandemic, which led to the forced closure of restaurants, hotels, bars and pubs, for over two months, causing a sharp decline in turnover.
“The difficulties recorded by almost 4 out of 10 Italian wineries, equal to 39 percent, due to the health emergency – adds the president of Coldiretti Lazio, David Granieri – show how essential it is to intervene urgently to support exports, lighten stocks, reduce costs and cut red tape.